Thank you for your interest in donating to the Awana Ministry in Canada. With your help our team will continue to equip thousands of leaders across Canada through training and resources. Our team is passionate about developing and multiplying leaders, reaching kids with the gospel, and changing the world for Jesus Christ.

Want to know more about how your funds will impact the ministry? See your funding options below. Multiply your impact with a monthly recurring gift!

If you do not want to give online there are other options.

When you call our office at 1-877-422-6292 to make a donation, we will ask you for your credit card information and for the designation of your donation. We accept Visa and Mastercard.

If your gift is a monthly donation, the donation will be processed from your account on the same day of every month as your initial donation. Ex: If you set up a recurring donation of $75 on September 15th. Your recurring donation of $75 will be processed on the 15th of every month.

Please make your Cheque Payable to Awana International Canada.

Awana International Canada
P.O. Box 2033
Komoka, Ontario 
N0L 1R0 

You will receive your annual tax receipt before the February deadline. 

If you have any questions please contact us at 1-877-422-6292 or by email at 

If your gift is a monthly gift, please send a copy of a void cheque to our office at the address above. Funds will be taken from your account on the 1st of each month unless you specify a different preference. 

You can confidently donate by sending an e-transfer to

Please include your full name, mailing address, email, and phone number in the memo. We will need this information for your year end tax receipt.


Our field team members work within specific regions to support the mission of Awana to equip leaders and reach kids through long-term relational discipleship. Their primary concerns are for connection and care of our church partners and leaders, building successful ministries through training and ministry support, and for the advancement of the ministry through donor and church engagement. Because of your support, they can continue to do the work of equipping and resourcing, and we can continue to grow each region through the addition of team members as the needs increase.

If we want to be responsive and relevant, we must continue to develop new training resources and ways to distribute them. We want to provide practical training and supplementary resources to leaders, support modules such for things like attendance records and progress tracking, and tools for leader-to-leader and leader-to-parent communication. We will include resources that will enhance relationships and opportunities to journey in faith together. Your funds allow for the ongoing development of resources and tools used to equip leaders and parents.

Each year Awana in Canada partners with an international Awana Ministry to support a project in their region. Most often the need relates to the equipping and resourcing of leaders to reach more kids with the gospel. Our team provides resources – GO badges, campaign videos, posters, and lessons with campaign related biblical content – to Canadian church leaders who want to help the kids in their ministry think missionally. By opening the doors beyond their church, and “introducing” kids to other kids and leaders around the world, we are encouraging young people to see the world as God sees it. The campaign often involves partnership with local mission which allows for a wholistic approach to ministry. Funds raised are used to meet physical and spiritual needs in the region. For more information on this years specific campaign and goals please go to our AwanaGO webpage.

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine that has deeply affected the ministry of Awana in this country and the surrounding region. Awana Ukraine began serving churches, children, and families in 1992. Over the past 30 years it has grown into our most vibrant and influential ministry in Europe. Awana Ukraine partners with 548 churches, reaching and discipling more than 25,000 children across Ukraine every week and supporting the ministry of Awana in 10 other countries.

Canada has committed to providing support for the 11 Ukrainian staff members and their families. Your financial gift will ensure that our Awana families in Ukraine are taken care of even as they continue to serve those in need.

Funds designated to our general fund will be used for various projects or initiatives that help us advance our mission to equip and resource leaders to reach kids with the gospel. With your support of our general fund, there will be no area that experiences a shortfall at year end. 


We will work to use your gift in the most effective way possible to reach children with the message of forgiveness, love and hope that Christ offers.

Spending of funds is confined to Awana International Canada approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the ministry and its governing board, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed within the ministry mandate. 


If you would like to know more about your funding options or ways that you can support the Awana Ministry, please contact us today.
