God has opened doors of opportunity for us to reach over 5 million children with the gospel each week, and new doors are opening every day. Girls and boys encounter Jesus at Awana clubs in more than 134 countries. They find a fun environment where trained leaders disciple them to know, love and serve Jesus. Whether they live in a city or the suburbs, a refugee camp or an orphanage, a dusty rural village or high in the mountains, every child, everywhere matters to God … and every child matters to Awana.

$58,395.00 Raised.
Through partnership with Awana Philippines and Mercy Ministries, leaders in more than 20 communities have been trained to effectively reach children with the gospel and long term discipleship.

$47,854.00 Raised.
We want to thank everyone who has helped raise funds for the AwanaGO MENA campaign. 3500 more kids have been reached. 1200 leaders have been trained, changing the world for Christ.

$60, 575.62 Raised.
Mongolia 2.0
Large Group lesson videos produced to reach children in rural Mongolia. Leader Development Days developed the faith and confidence of leaders.

$47,854.00 Raised.
533 leaders trained to see more kids coming to faith in Jesus. More leaders trained means greater reach into the rural areas of Mongolia.

$18,574.00 Raised.
Physical and spiritual relief provided for children in crisis. Weekly meals given to children left behind, and leaders trained to continue the journey of discipleship in Venezuela.

$34,000.00 Raised.
400 leaders trained through 4 training cycles and 12,000 new children reached with the gospel. A fostered partnership with Awana Korea allows for ongoing missionary support. Physical relief provided for the Marwari tribe.

$51,615.00 Raised.
Partnership with Compassion to meet both spiritual needs and physical needs. Leaders were trained and Awana ministries were multiplied. Together much was accomplished for God’s glory.

$49,165.00 Raised.
Syrian refugees displace by war were reached through this campaign which met both spiritual and physical needs. Food boxes were provided and Awana programs started in refugee camps.

$39,475.59 Raised.
Partnership with various ministries in the region allowed us to reach refugee children with the Gospel. In addition new Awana ministries were started for Roma communities in Western Ukraine.

$64,995.99 Raised.
Discipleship curriculum provided for use in nutrition centres and 350 new Awana ministries were started. Thank you for this partnership with Jesus Responds which allowed us to nourish both body and soul.

$25,680.00 Raised.
In partnership with Food for the Hungry Canada, impoverished communities in Guatemala were reached with hope and long-term discipleship.

$45,016.00 Raised.
This “Missionary in Motion” campaign aimed to provide reliable transportation for the Awana team in Cuba. Because of your support, more leaders could be trained and children reached across the country.

MENA 2022-2023
The MENA region represents millions of children in approximately 22 countries, creating an immense opportunity to reach children with the gospel and long-term discipleship and to equip leaders to do the work of reaching them.